Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Hubble clan.

(The Pierce’s, too, you understand).

We send to you

Happy New Year, too,

And all the love you can stand!

Mack, as Dad of the household,

Has many responsibilities untold.

Still Ward Clerk.

To Woodward for work.

Found NASCAR to be worth more than gold.

Connie graduated in the Spring.

Great relief to the family it did bring.

Ruptured Achilles heal,

Brought many a meal.

Still helps the Primary children sing!

Life is no “Laughing Matters” to Robbie,

With comedy as his new found hobby.

Classes by light.

Waiter by night.

For rights of all men he does lobby.

Andrew and Heather are busy in LA.

With schooling done, they work for pay.

Spoil our grand pets.

Happy as it gets.

Hosted our family to Disneyland and play!

Ritchie and Mandy are Monterey bound.

A management job with Chili’s was found.

AJ is leader.

Squash is heeder.

Mario Brother’s costumes for all was found.

Karen is doing well in her recovery.

Many talents and abilities her discovery.

Applied for school.

Work is the rule.

Son Kohen is making Kindergarten history!

Randy and Nicole bought their first home.

Sacramento streets are where they roam.

He’s in school.

Her job’s cool.

Enough kind deeds to fill a tome.

Sarah and Jared are parents to be.

(Move over mischievous Frank Kitty!)

Serve on the rez.

Work in the rez.

And school to keep them uber busy!

San Francisco streets are Rusty’s new beat.

His shenanigans you can read by tweet.

Making friends galore,

Life’s never a bore,

And teaches 2nd grade….how sweet!

Maggie reached the magical age of eight!

Got baptized and entered the narrow gate.

Odyssey of the mind.

Smart and kind.

Activity Girls and serving fills out her plate.

So now dear friends we bid you adieu.

We look forward to another year with you!

Be good!


And may your fondest dreams come true.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Best calling in the world

I have the best calling in the world! Some people might be horrified to be called to lead music in Primary, but this calling was tailored to me. I have the opportunity to be silly, serious, reverent, and playful while using teaching methodology! I know the Lord was involved in my calling because this calling fits my life so well. While finishing up school, I was too swamped to prepare lessons, but because of Lisa Lee and her family preparing singing time is a breeze. They made prompts for almost every song in the children's songbook. Now that I am finished with school, I can concentrate on making props that will encourage the children to sing!~ YAY!!